Labor & Birth

The midwives encourage and help you to formulate your birth plan long before the big day arrives. Toward the end of pregnancy, the midwives review your vision and wants for your birth. All clients are encouraged to attend one of the childbirth classes recommended by the birth center midwives. These classes are important in educating yourself on all of the birth choices and comfort measures available to you for your planned natural birth. 

When the “big day” arrives, you will be in contact with your midwife before you arrive at the birth center. You coordinate with her when the best time is for you to come in. During your labor we want you to eat, drink, move, rest, sleep, get in water, and move in any other position that you desire. Your birthing space is respected, the lights are kept dim, voices are quiet, and interruptions are minimal. When the midwife listens to baby during labor, she moves to a position to accommodate you. We have deep soaking birth tubs, birth stools, a yoga sling, peanut balls, exercise / birth balls, yoga mats, and nitrous oxide available for you to use. We understand that the birth of a child is an event to be celebrated. 

After the birth, we routinely delay cord clamping and keep baby skin-to-skin with mom. The midwives or doula assist with nursing and support family to bonding during these precious first hours. The average stay at the birth center about six hours after birth.