midwife robin

Shanelle’s Water Birth

Shanelle had envisioned giving birth in water from the first time she saw the deep soaking tubs at the birth center. When the time came, the water was soothing and relaxing and helped Shanelle bring her baby girl peacefully into the world. Mia was immideately placed on her mother’s chest for warmth and comfort. Shanelle shares her water birth story.

water birth, vba2c, vbac

Kim’s Birth Story

For the past nine months Raul and I have been preparing for a HBA2C (home birth after 2 c-sections). We read all the books (Ina May was my favorite), watched all the documentaries and took a Bradley class to educate ourselves on the process. We were well versed in the “mechanics” of labor, but there was a mental/emotional component that I struggled with from day one.